Mapping virtual memory to physical memory

In order to actually use and access memory, you must map a virtual address to a physical address. You cannot access a physical address directly because the CPU expects to work with virtual addresses that will be auto-translated to physical addresses by the MMU and other memory controller hardware1. Also, a virtual address is useless by itself; it doesn't have any content or purpose until you first map it to a real underlying physical address.

Memory mapping involves setting up a page table and establishing page table entries to represent the virtual-to-physical address mapping in a way that the MMU can understand. As long as a mapping exists in the currently-active page table, you can access the contents in real physical memory by accessing a virtual address that is mapped to it. Accessing memory simply means dereferencing a pointer at a particular virtual address; a pointer is effectively a typed virtual addresses.

Attempting to access a virtual address that is not currently mapped will result in a page fault, a CPU exception that temporarily halts normal execution flow to allow a page fault handler in the OS to attempt to set up an appropriate page table entry for the non-mapped virtual address. Using page faults is how on-demand paging is realized; Theseus currently does not do this because it goes against the PHIS principle.

Theseus's memory subsystem specifies three key types for mapping memory:

  • Mapper: provides functions to map virtual memory to physical memory, which create and return MappedPages objects.
  • PageTable: a top-level page table, which owns the root frame of the page table and a Mapper instance that uses that page table frame to create new page table entries.
    • This auto-dereferences into a Mapper, allowing all Mapper functions to be called on a PageTable object.
  • MappedPages: an object that represents a range of virtually-contiguous pages that are mapped to physical frames and have a single exclusive owner.

The Mapper type implements the core two functions for mapping memory in Theseus:

  1. map_allocated_pages(): maps a specific range of AllocatedPages to frames that are allocated on demand by the system at a random physical address.
    • Useful if you have some virtual pages and just want to use them for general purposes, and you don't care which physical memory gets mapped to it.
  2. map_allocated_pages_to(): maps a specific range of AllocatedPages to a specific range of AllocatedFrames.
    • Useful if you need to access a hardware device or other memory that exists at a specific physical address.

The astute reader will notice that you can only map a range of exclusively-owned AllocatedPages to a range of exclusively-owned AllocatedFrames. You cannot simply map a raw virtual address or page to a raw physical address or frame, they have to be specifically requested from the corresponding allocator and then mapped using the current active page table. This is part of Theseus's solution to ensure that accessing any arbitrary region of memory is guaranteed safe at compile time.


This assumes the CPU is in a standard mode like protected mode or long mode with paging enabled. The MMU can be disabled, after which virtual addresses do not exist and physical addresses can be directly used, but Theseus (and most other OSes) do not disable the MMU.

The MappedPages type

The MappedPages type represents a region of virtually-contiguous pages that are statically guaranteed to be mapped to real physical frames (which may or may not be contiguous). A MappedPages instance includes the following items:

  • The range of AllocatedPages that it owns and are currently mapped to
  • The permissions flags with which it was mapped, e.g., whether it is read-only, writable, cacheable, etc.
  • The root page table under which it was mapped, for extra safety and sanity checks.

MappedPages is the fundamental, sole way to represent and access mapped memory in Theseus; it serves as the backing representation for stacks, heaps, and other arbitrary memory regions, e.g., device MMIO and loaded cells.

Invariants and Safety Guarantees at Compile-time

The design of MappedPages empowers the compiler's type system to enforce the following key invariants, extending Rust's memory safety checks to all OS-known memory regions, not just the compiler-known stack and heap.

  1. The mapping from virtual pages to physical frames must be one-to-one, or bijective.
    • Each Page can only be mapped to one Frame, and each Frame can only be mapped by a single Page, system-wide.
  2. A memory region must be unmapped exactly once, only after no outstanding references to it remain.
  3. A memory region must not be accessible beyond its bounds.
  4. A memory region can only be referenced as mutable or executable if mapped as such.

These invariants integrate nicely with Rust's existing memory safety rules, such as preventing multiple invalid aliases (aliasing XOR mutability), out-of-bounds access, use after free and double free, and forbidden mutable access.

How to use MappedPages

A key aspect of MappedPages is its "access methods" that allow callers to safely reinterpret the underlying mapped memory region as a particular type. Reinterpreting untyped memory is a crucial feature for any memory management subsystem; Theseus provides fully-safe interfaces to do so, while existing OSes do not. Reinterpretive casting is sometimes also referred to as "struct overlay", as you're overlaying a struct on top of an existing memory region.

Access method nameReturn typeDescription
as_type()&Treturns an immutable reference to a generic type T starting at a particular offset into the memory region.
as_type_mut()&mut Tsame as as_type(), but returns a mutable reference.
as_slice()&[T]returns a reference to a slice (dynamic-sized array) of N elements of type T, starting at a particular offset.
as_slice_mut()&mut [T]same as as_slice(), but returns a mutable reference to a slice of type T.
LoadedSection::as_func()& <impl Fn(...)>returns a reference to a function that exists within a LoadedSection's memory region, which must be an executable .text section.

These access methods ensure the aforementioned invariants of the MappedPages type.

  1. The size of the generic type T, which must be known at compile time (T: Sized), plus the offset must not exceed the bounds of the memory region.
    • The same is true for slices: the number of elements of a sized type T: Sized plus the offset must not exceed the region's bounds.
  2. If a mutable reference is requested, the underlying memory region must have been mapped as writable.
    • The same is true for functions and executable memory regions.
  3. These methods all return references to the requested type or slice, in which the lifetime of the returned reference (&T) is dependent upon the lifetime of the MappedPages object, in order to statically prevent use-after-free errors.
    • One cannot obtain an owned instance of a type T from an underlying MappedPages memory region, because that would remove the semantic connection between the type T and the existence of the underlying memory mapping.

In comparison, other OSes typically return raw virtual address values from a memory mapping operation, which you must then unsafely cast to a typed pointer of your choice. With raw addresses, there is no lifetime guarantee to ensure that the mapping persists for as long as those virtual addresses are used. As such, Theseus removes at compile time the potential to easily cause unsafe, undefined behavior by using a raw virtual address after it has been unmapped.

For more details, see the Theseus paper from OSDI 2020, or Kevin Boos's dissertation, both available here.

The MappedPages type also exposes other convenient utility methods:

  • remap(): change the permissions flags for the virtual pages, which are still mapped to the same physical frames.
  • merge(): combine multiple contiguous MappedPages objects into one.
  • unmap_into_parts(): unmap the memory region and re-take ownership of its constituent parts (AllocatedPages, etc) for future use.
    • Without calling this, a MappedPages object will be auto-unmapped upon drop and its constituent parts deallocated for future use, but that will happen behind the scenes without you being able to directly access them.
  • You can also call any of the methods from PageRange as well.

Deallocating frames

Deallocating virtual pages is easy because the range of AllocatedPages is directly stored in and owned by a MappedPages object, so it is simply a matter of deallocating them once they are dropped.

However, deallocating a range of AllocatedFrames is much more difficult because each page in a range of virtually-contiguous pages may likely be mapped to a different, non-contiguous set of frames. This means we may have to deallocate many sets of AllocatedFrames, up to one per page.

In existing OSes, there is no way to easily and immediately determine which frames are mapped to which virtual pages; this requires a reverse mapping from 1 frame to N pages, which is prohibitively expensive to maintain. As such, OS kernels typically run a periodic "garbage collection" thread on idle CPUs that sweeps the page tables to determine which frames can be reclaimed.

However, Theseus's design vastly simplifies the procedure of reclaiming unused physical frames for deallocation. The single address space design and guaranteed bijective (1-to-1) mappings mean that a frame is mapped exclusively by a single page; when that page is no longer mapped to that frame, the frame can be deallocated. We refer to this as exclusive mappings, and they are realized via a combination of several crates:

  1. When frame(s) are unmapped in the page_table_entry crate, it creates an UnmapResult that may contain a set of UnmappedFrames.
  2. Using strong type safety, the frame_allocator is able to accept a set of UnmappedFrames as a trusted "token" stating that the included frames cannot possibly still be mapped by any pages. It can therefore safely deallocate them.