Building Out-of-Tree Rust Crates Safely

Background: The Problem

Because Rust currently lacks a stable ABI, there is no easy, stable, or safe way to integrate two or more separately-compiled Rust binaries together. By integrate, we mean the ability to have one binary depend upon or invoke another pre-built binary, such as an executable, statically-linked library, dynamically-linked shared object, etc.

There is another related problem that stems from how the Rust compiler appends unique IDs (metadata used by the compiler) to each compiled crate and each (non-mangled) symbol in those crates; this issue presents itself even in unlinked object files.

As an example, the page_allocator crate in Theseus will be compiled into an object file with a name like page_allocator-c55b593144fe8446.o, and the function page_allocator::allocate_pages_at() implemented and exposed by that crate will be emitted as the symbol _ZN14page_allocator17allocate_pages_at17heb9fd5c4948b3ccfE.

The values of both the crate's unique ID (c55b593144fe8446) and every symbol's unique ID (e.g., heb9fd5c4948b3ccfE) are deterministic, but depend on many factors. Those factors include the compiler version, the source directory, the target directory, and more. We sometimes refer to both of these unique IDs as a hash value since the compiler creates them by hashing together these various factors; how this hash is generated is considered opaque and liable to change, thus we treat it as a black box.

Theseus loads and links crate object files dynamically at runtime. When we build all of the Theseus kernel crates together into a single target directory (read more here), the unique IDs/hash values appended to every crate name and symbol are based on the build machine's source and target directories (among other factors). A running instance of Theseus will have a single instance of the page_allocator crate loaded into memory and expect all other crates to depend upon that instance, meaning that they should be compiled to expect linkage against its specifically-hashed symbols, e.g., _ZN14page_allocator17allocate_pages_at17heb9fd5c4948b3ccfE.

If you separately compile another crate my_crate that depends on the exact same set of Theseus kernel crates, cargo will recompile all Theseus crates from source into that new target directory, resulting in the recompiled object files and their symbols having completely different unique ID hashes from the original Theseus instance. As such, when attempting to load my_crate into that already-running prebuilt instance of Theseus, it will fail to load and link because that version of my_crate will depend on differently-hashed crates/symbols, e.g., it may depend upon the symbol _ZN14page_allocator17allocate_pages_at17hd64cba3bd66ea729E instead of _ZN14page_allocator17allocate_pages_at17heb9fd5c4948b3ccfE (note the different appended hash values).

Therefore, the real problem is that there is no supported method to tell cargo that it should build a crate against a prebuilt set of dependencies. See this GitHub issue for more about why this feature would be useful, but why it still isn't supported (hint: no stable Rust ABI).

A Bad, Unsafe Solution

Technically, we could solve this by using an existing non-Rust stable ABI, like the C language ABI. This would entail defining/exposing Rust functions, data, and types in a C-compatible way such that they are compatible with the C ABI (its expected struct memory layout and calling convention). Unfortunately, this necessitates the usage of unsafe FFI code blocks (via C-style extern functions) to connect two separate bodies of fully-safe Rust code, which is both dumb and tedious.

In the above example, instead of simply invoking page_allocator::allocate_pages_at() directly, we would need to export the appropriate wrapper functions like so:

fn main() {
// in `page_allocator`
pub extern "C" fn allocate_pages_at(num_pages: usize, ...) -> ... {
    page_allocator::allocate_pages_at(num_pages, ...)

and then invoke it using unsafe FFI code blocks like so:

// in `my_crate` 
extern "C" {
    fn allocate_pages_at(num_pages: usize, ...);
fn main() {
    unsafe {
        allocate_pages_at(15, ...);

Note that many details are omitted above; while these code wrappers and bindings can be autogenerated, unsafety cannot be avoided.

Surely we can do better!

Solution: theseus_cargo for out-of-tree builds

A superior solution is to "trick" the Rust compiler into using the prebuilt crates from an existing build of Theseus. To this end, we've created theseus_cargo, a custom build tool and wrapper around cargo that resolves an out-of-tree crate's dependencies on in-tree Theseus crates using their prebuilt objects instead of rebuilding them from source.

This is realized in two parts:

  1. Generating the prebuilt dependencies while building Theseus's (in-tree) kernel crates,
  2. Correctly building the out-of-tree crate(s) against those prebuilt Theseus crates.

1. Generating the set of prebuilt dependencies

To create a set of dependency files understood by Rust's compiler toolchain, the main top-level Makefile invokes another custom build tool, a Rust program called copy_latest_crate_objects found in the tools/ directory. It is invoked like so (details omitted):

cargo run ... tools/copy_latest_crate_objects --  \
    --input  "target/.../deps"                    \
    --output-deps  "build/deps/"                  \
    --output-sysroot  "build/deps/sysroot/"       \

The arguments above specify that we wish to

  1. Use the Rust-produced build artifacts (compiled crates) in the target/.../deps directory as input, and then
  2. Copy them into the build/deps/ output directory.
  3. Also, copy the prebuilt Rust fundamental libraries (core, alloc) that were cross-compiled into the Theseus platform-specific sysroot folder into build/deps/sysroot/.

Afterwards, the build/deps/ directory contains all prebuilt dependencies needed to compile an out-of-tree crate against the existing build of Theseus, with all the properly versioned (correctly hashed) crates and symbols. This tool also generates a TheseusBuild.toml file that describes the parameters of this build of Theseus, such that it can be replicated by theseus_cargo. For example:

target = "x86_64-unknown-theseus"
rustflags = "--emit=obj -C debuginfo=2 -C code-model=large -C relocation-model=static -D unused-must-use -Z merge-functions=disabled -Z share-generics=no"
cargoflags = "--release"
host_deps = "./host_deps"

2. Building other Rust code against the prebuilt Theseus dependencies

With the contents of build/deps/ described above, we can invoke theseus_cargo to build the new out-of-tree crate in a separate compilation instance. The theseus_cargo tool is a Rust program that invokes cargo, captures its verbose output, and then modifies and re-runs the rustc commands issued by cargo to use the prebuilt crates to fulfill the out-of-tree crate's dependencies. Those prebuilt crates are a set of dependencies, namely .rmeta and .rlib files, that are understood by the Rust compiler's internal metadata parsers.

The main modifications theseus_cargo makes to rustc commands is to replace the <values> of the following arguments with the paths and names of the prebuilt Theseus crates in /build/deps/:

  • -L dependency=<dir>
  • --extern <crate_name>=<crate_file>.rmeta

If a given rustc command has any arguments that need to be changed, theseus_cargo reissues that command.

Currently, to use theseus_cargo, it must be compiled and installed from source:

cargo install --path="tools/theseus_cargo" --root=$INSTALL_DIR

Then, it can be invoked just like cargo build, e.g., to build a crate against the prebuilt dependencies in the input folder:

$INSTALL_DIR/theseus_cargo --input "build/deps/"  build

Currently, theseus_cargo prints very verbose output and will show a lot of irrelevant warning and log statements describing what it is doing. If the out-of-tree crate was successfully built, it will finally print something like "Ran rustc command (modified for Theseus) successfully" before exiting successfully with exit code 0.

See the tools/theseus_cargo source code for more details.

The approach of capturing and modifying rustc commands using verbose output from cargo is obviously not ideal, but there is currently no other supported way to obtain this info because cargo is removing its --build-plan option.